Cyberattacks against SMB’s have been on the rise in recent years. Despite the perception among many small and medium business owners that hackers only go after “the big guys”, smaller companies make increasingly attractive targets. In fact, certain types of social engineering attacks  – like phishing – are much more commonly aimed at small businesses.

of SMB’s were targeted by Cyber Attack in 2021.
of companies hit by ransomware had <100 employees.
of SMB’s reported it took 24+ hours to recover from attack.
of people in the U.S would be less likely to do business with a breached company.
of SMBs could not remain open if they were hit with ransomware.
of small businesses have no cybersecurity measures in place at all.
of SMB’s have customer data that could be compromised if attacked.

Avoiding a successful cyber attack on your SMB starts with having adequate defense and response strategies in place.

Implementing strong, cost-effective protection is possible even for businesses with modest IT budgets.

Contact us for a free consultation to see how we can help secure your business.